Girls, let me ask you this ! Do you dread it when these two forces meet?
Parents & Boys....
And the Majority of you would say --- Yes. And why is that so? It's because most of us are Asian, Ha! Enough said!. Isn't that right? ;) Hahaha. Yes, i know you've all heard the case of the:
"You think your parents are strict!?!?!? Look me meee, Look at meeee!" * in that endearing Kath & Kim aussie accent*
I reckon most of us girls like to think, "Fuck, it's my parents' fault that theyre strict!"...
Well "LOL" at you, I just think that your parents just don't TRUST you enough. Make sense? Oh! I'm so excited about this that I'll even toss in an ANALOGY:
Trust. What is it? It's just allowing somebody to do something and having confidence that the person will behave responsibly or properly. (That was so taxed off Microsoft word). And how do you get it??? :D
Trust is like baking a nice cake. It takes a long time to get the chocolate from Switzerland and the milk from England and the eggs from your lazy ass chicken. WELL ANYWAY, it takes a while for you to make the chocolate layer, then a vanilla layer and another strawberry layer..and then decorate it with metallic balls, cream and fruits AND FINALLY you've completed this cake that EVERYONE absolutely loves and would do anything for... however, it only takes one big or little bite --- depending on the size of your mouth --for you to make the cake look.. URGHHH.
That's just like trust, hard to build and hard to keep and VERY hard to make it look attractive for others to trust it =D
Okay, I'm pretty over that analogy, well anyway, i gotta admit something. I was one of the girls who dreaded this trust issue and just when i thought i had it -- I took too many bites out of it, like, i would say i'm coming home from a party at 11pm & step onto the front porch @ 2am <-- And that did totally happen.Thus, my cake had been eaten up. There's nothing left *sighs*. Haha, time to bake another cake. It'll probably be a mud cake -- since they're known for their long period of validity and structural stability -- meaning, the cake won't budge, it's that freakin' dense!LOL The density is pretty much equivalent to a thick-head of your annoying sibling(if your parents happened to depressingly conceive one). Warning: Do not eat mud cakes from Maccas or any cafe unless you're utterly deranged & want to die early.Want me to be honest? That cake is older than your great grandma.