So, it literally has been officially 2 months since that dreadful event. Let's run down on some of what has happened since:
* Okay, i think ive lost 1 great someone, 1 good someone and 1 .. really biased someone.
* Mending with 1 different great someone
* Grounded for the whooping whole year
- LMAO, i laugh about it now. Epic Tale. Wowzers.
* Been missing out on everyone's special days. Gosh-dammit!
* Realised that there's more to the "Truth".
* Totally buggered by the whole Bf-craze. Not bothered & Don't bother. Hate it.
* Spent heaps of time with family: Love them even more.
* Made a bet: If i like/see/go out with anyone i owe the opposition 20 bucks per person. Why you must ask? Cause i know i'm going to win & i have the upper hand =D See? Im grounded= no one time!
* I was reminded that i have some of the greatest friends in the world a girl could possibly ask for. And they know it too. They were with me through thick and thin - even through my worse time. Now i really like Marilyn Monroe's famous quote! Go babe!
I'm not depressed. I had a rough time. I was just out-of-it. And this *points above* is what happened since :) Im really good compared to before, and I'm really sorry for making you guys worry: I was just needed time for myself and you can't blame me for that.. right? WELL! Now I'm great, but there are times when im just like meh. and those are the times when I'm with people who i don't really connect with anymore and it's not that i don't care because i do care, but it has just happened and i'm not gonna chuck a sulk (I'm not going to lie: This stuff happens a lot @ school and it's my fault as well). Drifting is a part of life and i accept it, it also means im growing closer to someone else; which in this case is my mum.
Now the people who i really enjoy being around with are the people who are on the same wavelength as me =) & i totally love it. Most of these people who i share this awesome bond with is like... kinda separated from me. The Grounding Law plays a part in this. But i don't mind as much now, cause i know deep inside, i still love them even if theyre a million miles away, and even if i can't talk to them on months on end. I still think of them the same. And love them the same. I'm not gonna chuck a fit by telling them "OMG WE DRIFTEDDDDDD WE NEED TO FIX THIS!"
Cause it's not true. Physically,yes. LOL of course yes. But mentally, no. When it comes to the point where i dont remember a thing about them, then yes i will say ---Wow.. We've drifted * worried face*. Other than that, we're living all our own lives and having fun at that as well! And when we do get to see or talk to each other, i swear it's the greatest feeling in the world. I can say this for the boys of De Lasalle ..meaning - Matthew, Tim, Peter & Thomas Twins and Luke. We both know we rarely see or hear from each other, but when we do -- it's great fun!
Apparently according to scientific research and whatnot, I'm going through the roughest time of the hormone-crazed phase:
1. I'm discovering who i am
2. I'm discovering who i want to become
3. Im tackling that annoying HSC
4. Friends
5. Family
6. Life's lessons: What a bitch -- but its very interesting though ;)
I think i can only ever cross one thing off that list until the day i fall off a cliff: Thats def. gonna be the HSC. Everything else is occurring and totally ongoing -----
Love it don't you?The only thing that makes it a whole lot easier is: Become a nun.
You have friends all the time! You've discovered you're a nun. And you've discovered what you want to be which is .. a nun. You dont need a U.A.I to be a nun, you just need the bible. You're family with everyone and you TEACH people life's lessons. Wow! My mum has often attempted at persuading me to join the nunnery. She had ALMOST convinced me, but the idea of having cute bundles of joy soon relieved myself of my mother's dream. I know for a fact that she doesn't want Grandchildren anytime soon:
1) She sees her mates painstakingly tend to those bundles until their old of age on a daily basis. In other words, her friends has little left of a social life and my mother has no intention of speeding up an anti-social phase. Abstinence has convinced all of us children.
2) Childbirth.. What more can i say? LOL yes there is. IT HURTS LIKE A DOG RUNNING AWAY WITH YOUR completed HOMEWORK.
Touchy. Anyway, Good Morning Sunshine. I'm back in the buzz!