Okay, a lot has happened over the past month & it's still going...
Unlike other blog posts, I'm going to be as clear and concise as i can be. No funny shit :)
So, this month i met this guy, let's call him Fred, on a birthday cruise party for my close friends.
I thought hey, Fred seems cute, and he saved me from a drunken friend, so let's add him on facebook. For the next 2 weeks, Fred & I were talking and oh dear lord...
Day 1: He was already sweet talking. Saying these lines which were previously used on my close girlfriend ( I bet he didn't know we were girlfriends haha). Saying shit like "We'll get to know eachother, and maybe in the future..you know, i could ask you out". Fuck off. I tried to be as patient and understanding as i could be - but i saw through all this... Fred may be sweet talking to make me like him, but it didn't work -
the days following incurred the following issues:
~ His whole family, his own, cousins, uncles, aunties, grandparents and what not knew about me and wanted to meet me. At first it seemed cute, but then it got creepy and i was overwhelmed with all this expectation.
~ He was telling people that we were seeing each other, but he ignored the fact that i JUST met him. I remember asking, " I don't think we're seeing each other, seeing as we just met" and he's like "...."
~ Talking about his connections, and them coming down for a fight if the boys wanted to hit him. Big mistake, I looked down on him in an instant, how dare you use other people to solve your own problems. It was so uncomfortable listening to him talk about the guys like that.
~ Lying to me: That really did it. When Vorn warned me about him, all Fred could say was "I don't know why he's saying this". Well i know now, you're a fucking paedophile. Flirting with little year 9 mmc girls, and little girls in other states. Bullshit you were the captain of the school basketball team & bullshit to your fucking no. 5 jersey. Bullshit you've only had 3 girls all up in your lifetime when you were with 6 last year. You're a lying bitch.
~ Sweet talking. It sounded rehearsed, like it's been used on many girls.
~ Making me feel sorry for him because of the boys: the issue about them not trusting him. It's his fault. I should've known better once he said shit about hitting the boys with his connections if "they ever came after him" i shouldve told him what i thought right then and there: That's he's a fucking idiot and doesn't even deserve to know them if he even ever wants to treat them like that.
And the shittest thing of all, is that i really thought Fred was a nice decent guy and everything i said i meant, i did think he was awesome, but fuck that. Who knows what other shit he's been saying to up his status. This is the second filo i've met that tried his moves on me, and all i can say is one thing. I'm not even going to consider any more filos, you may think this is racist.. but you're not me. Fucking Fred thinks sweet talking and fucking off is the best way to get chicks? He's such a faggot to girls. I feel sorry for all the girls last year - and they're so young too.
I'm so glad that the boys warned me about him. So so glad.