pizzas, boys & lemon tequilas ;)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Wow! It's already 2010, it's already the month of August!
Goodness gracious me! I really do not know what to say. Dumbfounded. Yeah.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My cousin drives a nice car...... How could I not know that?!?!

photo: My baby nephew Vincent. The favourite fatty bub of the family!
This afternoon i was standing on a busy street - in front of an asian grocery store - my inquisitive gaze was intensely directed at a box of Pawpaw fruit. I was wondering whether or not that big yellow one tasted the sweetest. Some car on the street starts honking. Curiously, i twisted my neck around to see where it was coming from - some nice ass black car was parked about 10 metres away from me. The honking kept going. I squinted at the tinted window - and all i saw was this black guy, maybe African.... This is freaky... is he honking at me?! HOLY SH*T !
My eyes quickly dart for the Pawpaw fruit again Maybe he'll stop honking.. i obviously don't know him... WRONGGGGGGGGGGG ! He's becoming impatient - I twirl around and stare at him. Same African dude. Danger? I'll just stay put right here looking at fruit. 10 seconds later I hear the honking again. What does this guy want with me?! I'm squiting again, trying to make out the face through that dark tinted window. He's smiling and waving ... Oh.. maybe i do know him? Cautiously i approached the car.. and my heart suddenly felt so light when i saw my cute little nephew Vincent in the back seat smiling eagerly at me.
Cousin: Hey !
Me: I swear i didn't know it was you .... thought you were some stranger... it must be your windows seriously...*distracted by Vincent* HELLO BABY ! Wanna give aunty a kiss? ;)
Cousin: What are you doing here?
Me: Buying stuff with Teresa. Oh she's come out now.
Teresa: Who's that? *wtf look*
Me: SEE I TOLD YOU ! She didn't even recognise you either. I thought you were an african dude.
Cousin: ....
Me: Ok see you bye ! *turns to vincent & tickles his belly* BYE BYE BABYYYY
My cousin in all likelihood must think that I'm an idiot :(.. sighh...
who cares, as long as i get to cuddle my cutie nephew then im happy !
My future :)

photos: Future colleagues .. WOO !
I'm not too fussed about my future - i know that i want, and i know how to get it. Big deal if I don't make it into Uni next year thank god you can take an exam to qualify for this midwifery degree even if you're not at school. I suppose that's the reason as to why i am not as stressed as others. Yes i agree that university degree is definitely a beneficial boost in various careers - however there's no need to completely break down if you don't get in the first time and whatnot. If you don't get what you want, you might as well propose for an interview, take the qualification exam and enjoy a gap year :) The positives of this is that you'll be able work, save more money for travelling and immerse yourself in a kinda of freedom that rarely appears thrice in your life.
This is what i want out of my career:
- Obtain a Bachelor of Midwifery
- Obtain qualifications in pregnancy massaging & facial therapy - women loved to feel relaxed & pampered ! ;)
- Do events management on the side for fun - I've always loved that ! There's nothing better than a PARTY OFF THE WALL !
- Obtain an advanced diploma of business management from TAFE
- If i really enjoy being a midwife then I'd might as well train up to be an obstetrician
and finally my biggest goal: Open up a midwifery clinic. :) It'll be hard no doubt - but it's possible. And I'm pretty determined to make it happen !
p.s. If there are grammatical errors or any sentences that "shouldn't be written in such a fashion" - just over look it. I didn't get much sleep last night ! Someone just had to plant a frenzy of rather visual and tactile images in my head...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Really, REALLY !

photo: This will make the ladies laugh and the fellas cry :) ENJOY!
Here's a series of interesting facts that I've chanced upon this month:
- My cousin-in-law just gave birth to a cute baby girl !
- Lentini & I have hardly have anything in common -- yet we're so oddly harmonious
- Whenever i give speeches I always get laughs --particularly when I'm trying to be serious.
- My younger brother is terrified of ghosts... especially when they're accompanied by dramatic music.
- My mum has always thought I had a fat physique due to Vietnamese ideals. (The ideal beautiful Vietnamese girl is a stick) One morning she got a glimpse of me in just my stockings & tight singlet top and looked surprised -"Tai sao con sexy qua vay?" OVER & OVER AGAIN LOL. Oh, for those who are Vietnamese and can not read, it simply means "Why are you so sexy?" or "Why is my daughter so sexy?"
- Congrats to Tessa's family ! They now have a new bouncing baby cousin, Kiana !
- Incestuous relationships and rape victims seem to be the new BUZZ of the world lately... how horrible :(
- Megan Fox is actually quite ruthless and bitchy.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
How do I love thee?
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Beautiful, enchanting, mesmerizing, endearing, delightful, sensational - I love it.
Words are such powerful tools. It takes a remarkable skill & deep understanding to bring poems like these to life. The day I'd write a poem like this...... would most likely occur after my wedding night.
You'd never want to scare off the poor bloke with such deep emotions prior to eternal commitment LOL !
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Beautiful, enchanting, mesmerizing, endearing, delightful, sensational - I love it.
Words are such powerful tools. It takes a remarkable skill & deep understanding to bring poems like these to life. The day I'd write a poem like this...... would most likely occur after my wedding night.
You'd never want to scare off the poor bloke with such deep emotions prior to eternal commitment LOL !
The Pact.

photo: Mid-October of 2008. I went backless so I'd fit the criteria to wear that nice dress @ the PATS formal. I haven't been to the beach since :(
I can't be bothered writing all that "omg, i haven't blogged in so long! I have to start updating this soon!".
Now onto more interesting matters... Wow! We're already in mid-September !Hahaha, that means the HSC exams shall commence in exactly 5 weeks from this dayforward. Oh please God, please do not allow the exams to throttle us - Oh and for anyone who is of asian ethnicity,DO NOT i repeat DO NOT SCREW IT UP. Your mum & dad will harm you.
Okay, I'll just focus on 1 thing in this blog which is "The Pact" which is the whole point of even writing this up - and no it's not Jodi Picoult's bestseller guys. Here's the story: Late last year Vee & I made a bargain after our fail attempts with particular someones (i'd rather not name them), so the rule was:
If you see/date someone - that's an instant loss of $20 for the loser and an instant gain of $20 to the person who remains single.
Everyone, including myself, thought Vee would lose the bet - COME ON, she still had the right to freedom, going out, partying, meeting people and whatnot whereas i was grounded from January till June. Look at the odds ! Hahaha, Life was set. I was going to get $20 foh shizzle... almost everyone we knew doubted her chances of winning the bet - I was too conveniently grounded and that instantly put me at the winning end...
I ended up paying Vee $20 last week...
It's funny how things turn out... the second I'm relieved from this house I lose the bet LOL whereas Vee has in all likelihood left her house about 100 times this year. But it was worth it :)
I'm a happy girl haha.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Bakery

photo: An epic-looking Vietnamese pork roll
There's this man who works at a local bakery near my school who likes to give me discounts. I didn't really think much of it until TODAY -
This morning i had my 3 hour Mathematics trial exam. Oh boy it was hard. If the HSC is spewing out that kind of shit -- I'm going to be terribly antisocial for the next 2 months ! Anyway, after the exam - My friend, Stephanie, & I headed out to eat (a few of the other were at Tommy's). I like honey pork/honey chicken mixed roll - & i ordered that. The man was nice, giving me discounts - charging me less and whatnot - it probably comes out of his paycheck .. who knows, talking to me in vietnamese and all but most of all - he remembers me ! I seldom go there since he started working & I haven't been there for maybe 2-3 months ?!
My friend Phillip pointed out to our friends - "Yeah, He was full like - enthusiastic about her - his smile reached his eyes ! LOL". Later I felt a little thirsty so i left my friends for a second and browsed about Tommy's refrigerators for any good beverage -but that was soon disrupted by a cluster of my friends signalling "GO NEXT DOOR & BUY IT THERE!"
I presumed that Tommy's had "rip off" prices. I trudged back to the bakery - & came back with a discounted ice coffee Oak and a complete understanding of Phillip's perspectives. Ohhh nooo, that middle aged man might indeed be infatuated with me :( Phillip then suggested that He and I walk,his arm wrapped around my shoulders, past the bakery to make the man jealous - but i declined, my reason being that I'd risk a "stop in discounts" yet the real reason was that i might cause someone else to get very angry ... =d

A possible future family car. LOLL
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Coconut Family - 6 years of beautiful friendships.

Cathy's 16th Birthday :) We're as happy as ever !
It’s 3.59am at the moment & I can’t sleep – it’s almost certainly because I completed 6 hours worth of maths exercises & past papers in preparation for next Monday’s 2 unit exam LOL I’m keen to get my rank up =). LOL Funnily i finished that at 11.30pm - my brain must be feeling an overload of info and most likely needs a fair bit of time to process all that "jazz". But that’s beside the point, I’ve been meaning to write this for a while – the only time I’ve written something like this occurred during my year 9 days... that was so freaking long ago! During this time last year I had involved myself with one of the biggest conflicts an individual could ever find themselves fighting with: Close friends. When I look back at that time, I feel the urge to cringe – it wasn’t a pleasant time for any of us, especially you, Vee. You and I had suffered the most. I am so glad we talked that day, even if it was 5 months of separation, and I’m so glad we’ve finally sort things through and that you understood what I was going through. I just feel like a colossal moron to even think that we didn’t solve it any sooner. I must admit that I was an asshole. And I must admit that I am now an epically happy bouncing ball =)
Now, CCNF, or shall I say “coconut family” hahaha. High school would not have been so exciting, delightful, loving, enjoyable, fun-loving, creative, rowdy or even the slightest dramatic without you guys. Yes you (alphabetical order) Bryan, Cathy, Chris, Khanh, Rowena, Thanh and Vee! Thankyou so much for granting me 6 years of intense, rollercoaster-like fun-loving awesomeness! Thankyou for bearing with me, especially during last year and early this year – I really really sincerely appreciate it! I know I have changed – but, I’m fighting this for everyone, especially you guys and my family, and thankyou so much for your support. I’m trying my best to be myself and refrain myself from slipping into it again and taking it out on…myself.. and you… and everyone else… – it almost ruined so much that we had. I’m gonn’ cry =(
I’ll start on off with:
Bryan ~
Where can I start? First off, I don’t remember how I met you! Or when we even began talking to each other =) It must have been during one of Ms. Plant’s crazy antics during year 8 – I really have forgotten but know this, I can forget that but I can never forget you. Though we’re not close, like you and Rowena, I still love the fact that you’re always there :) I love hearing “Hi Margarita!” every morning at roll call – I know I don’t show it sometimes, I’m probably in a numb state those mornings. Haha. Bryan, I love it when you’re happy, you have the most unique bouts of laughter, they just burst out with this awesome life force, and it’s always accompanied by a red face – it’s so endearing and I’m going to miss seeing it everyday. I regret that I didn’t take more time out to get to know you over the years cause I still think there’s many more splendid layers to you (which Rowena only probably knows, LOL we all envy her !). What I don’t like is seeing you sad - =( seriously Bryan, I want to help if I can, I know that sounds selfish – but I dislike seeing you that way. You deserve to be so happy! You’re incredibly hard working and it’s very hard to come by anyone like that in our day & age. Aww, I’ll miss you dude. Let’s break a pole again !
Cathy ~
LOL ! I remember the days where we used to sit on that hill, watching a cute boy play handball and draw stick figures of him in Rowena’s visual arts diary. Babe you were mesmerised for weeks ! haha, I love you. Woman, you have an excellent memory, you remember me from Sunday School and you remember throwing airplanes with me in year 7. Cathy, you just make me laugh full stop. Whether you’re fleeing away from a flock of evil pigeons or when your HI 5 is left hanging. LOL. If it’s one thing that I really admire you for, it’d be your unwavering honesty. You’re a true friend and a lovely sophisticated lady with a killer sense of humour. Girl, you’re going to top the world! Thankyou for making me smile all these years, you have generously helped me without knowing it. Cathy, I thank you for being so understanding for the times when I needed it the most. Thankyou for confronting me when I needed a slap back to reality – even though it may not seem much to you, it had meant a great deal to me. These years have been a blast with you Yoo Rin =) I’ve loved every second, minute, hour, day, month and year of it. I remember the times you’d just imitate my laugh, boobs and the way I react to things LOL. I read one of your cards and it mentioned how I’d get epically worried whenever the bell rang – and you just loved laughing at me haha. Gosh. Though we only have 2 months of school left together, I hope we’ll make it the best two months that we have experienced during the 6 years of our time together. =) Imma buy you a cage of pigeons and you can do what you want with it ;) hahaha ! LOL. Remember that time we kept laughing at my glue stick in year 8 Maths because it landed upright?!?! Hahahaha. Our minds are screwed xD
Chris ~
LOL, I’m not going to lie – There isn’t much to write. We don’t talk that much nor confide in each other, but that doesn’t make you any less than the good friend you already have come to be. Let’s see, my earliest memory of you was in year 7 and how we were “dating” LOL why must it be called that? I think we only held hands once and then you ran off or something LOL. Any who, Christopher Chu (haha that rhymes) – Okay, I’ll be serious now. You’re a very caring person and you’d go great lengths to make sure any of use are okay, and I really admire and appreciate that. Thankyou Chris =)
Khanh ~
The introverted young boy has blossomed into a beautiful man who’s talented in the arts of poetry, dance, visual imagery and … in the bedroom… LOL! Every time I think about you one of your sex jokes creep into my ear, for example “How’s the twins?” or “I can warm your muffins”, LOL you foul boy! Our first dance lessons were also really awesome – it was the best time where we truly got to know one another & lemme tell you, I definitely like what I see! You sexy beast. You’re brilliant and wise – and you create the most beautiful dances one of which where I was even brought to tears. Hahaha! I want to start off with this – and I have no idea if I’m thinking too much – I’m so sorry that I hurt you and that I wasn’t there for you in your times of need, I was being an idiot and only saw the wrongs and how things came to be. My attitude last year was so unsupportive compared to everyone else and it must’ve angered you right? I’m truly disappointed in myself for letting you down. Awwwwww I’m going to have to kiss and hug you until you’re overwhelmed with glee! I love and appreciate you so much Khanh, you always know how to make me smile, laugh and… get awkward…I just wish that I know that I can make you happy. These next two months are our last together – and let’s spend it with much laughter & creating sexual innuendos!
Rowena ~
My little Chinese angel – You’re feisty, super sweet and SUPERBLY SEXY ! Dammit girl you’ve got everything in that little body of yours. Talent, Beauty and A Good heart. It’s kinda depressing that you’re catching up to my height =( you’re meant to be our little cutie! Thankyou for being you, I would not have loved any other Rowena, except for you Rowena Sy. Wait a sec, I should avoid all other Rowenas LOL because I only want to remember one Rowena for the rest of my life. Your patience is so enduring, it’s like a mother’s, we have spent countless hours in the past just talking, talking and talking – thankyou for hearing me out. You’ve made my life a happier place. I love our little seductive winks @ school but I don’t love it when you walk off from me when you think I’m a lesbian. I’m not =(. Awww, as I’m writing about you I feel a gigantic urge to call you up right now and tell you that I love you. Honey, every time you’re around – I absolutely love it ! I hate it when you’re away from school, I become rather unsettled and a little sad because you’re not there. I guess I know how you feel in regards to the days I’ve been absent. Oh one too many. If there was a time machine –I’d transport through time back to year 9 before anything happened to me – and I’ll plough through everyday for you, knowing now that it didn’t have to be that bad at all if I had just told you, actually all of you, what was going on. But on a positive note: Baby I love you. =)
Thanh ~
Hahaha. Why do I get the feeling that you’re going to do this:
Squeal, chase after me and once again attempt to flash my bum-bum. LOL I love you. Thanh, since day one, I knew you were a dominate girl – I guess that’s why I love picking on you because dominate people don’t like being teased. Isn’t that right Suicidal butterly ;) LOL ! If I must remember you for something it’d be everything from Korean flags and DOE camps to the word “stuff” and Asian city bums who don’t look as good as actors with face lifts. We’ve had many disagreements over the years, but I’ll just blame it on our personality clash because that’s as legit as it get babe! LOL How can I repay you for all your generosity? All your honesty? All your nuturing? And of course the exercise regimes promptly initiated when you chase after me with your fist, unfailingly, threatening me with ..a.. beating? I love you :) LOL! I remember that a few years ago we were playing sport on the football field and you just jumped & I automatically blurted, “Ooh! Did you feel that earthquake?!” – I think I died shortly after that feat. That isn’t surprising. I’ve died and came back to life on countless occasions because of you Thanh. I can’t wait to do it again! Hahaha. You know I love you, especially how you were so understanding and willing to help me that day in the library. Your presence in my life is certainly a much appreciated and loved part of my life.
And finally, the last person on the list ~
Vee ~
You: “Hey are you Margaret?”
Me: “Yeah, I am – who are you?”
You: “Hi my name’s Vee, I’m My Uyen’s friend”Me: “She’s my best friend from Sunday school!”
Please forgive any missing phrases, exclamation marks and whatnot. At least I remembered the jist of it! Vee, out of the whole group, you’re the only person who I recall meeting =) So, that just makes me happy because I’m not “senile” as I supposed after all hahaha furthermore it is a very cherished memory. Girl we have been through it all haven’t we? Boys have tried to tear us apart, Girls have tried to tear us apart --- that’s terrible. And I even on one occasion tried to tear us apart, it’s up there on the list of “My mistakes – now learn from it biatch!”. For 5 months we were total strangers – yeah, we agreed on “mutual” – yet still it was so…unfamiliar and unbelievably excruciating – LOL but look at us headstrong Capricorns, how our stubborn sides created a 5 month rift in our friendship, and any bet it had distressed the others in the group too, and I take it that I was mainly responsible for that. But you know what, I’m glad that it’s over – I’m not necessarily happy that such an ordeal occurred between us but I learnt a lot about myself during that time and hopefully, you got a chance to learn about yourself too because what happened was definitely an eye opener for our inner selves. I learnt that I needed to speak the truth about what was happening to me (which I finally did with you on the phone =] thanks again for that, it was our first conversation in 5 months. The tears were inevitable (L), I learnt that I needed to let my guard down – I’ve been holding it up against everyone for so long, it had become a habit, I learnt that I needed to be more understanding, particularly assuming less and asking more, especially regarding the bias of story-telling. Ahhh! I could go on forever – what I feel right now is that I’m still not putting enough effort, I really miss the close bond I used to have with you and the group – but I guess it’s up to me to really reinforce that relationship back into play. Time to get crack-a-lackin’! Just, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, for being there for me, for putting up with me at my worst, for helping this friendship endure the worst tribulations and creating smiles & laughs out of thin air, like magic! I could never, ever, take you for granted again – I realise when it hurts you, it hurts me by tenfold.
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