photo: Mid-October of 2008. I went backless so I'd fit the criteria to wear that nice dress @ the PATS formal. I haven't been to the beach since :(
I can't be bothered writing all that "omg, i haven't blogged in so long! I have to start updating this soon!".
Now onto more interesting matters... Wow! We're already in mid-September !Hahaha, that means the HSC exams shall commence in exactly 5 weeks from this dayforward. Oh please God, please do not allow the exams to throttle us - Oh and for anyone who is of asian ethnicity,DO NOT i repeat DO NOT SCREW IT UP. Your mum & dad will harm you.
Okay, I'll just focus on 1 thing in this blog which is "The Pact" which is the whole point of even writing this up - and no it's not Jodi Picoult's bestseller guys. Here's the story: Late last year Vee & I made a bargain after our fail attempts with particular someones (i'd rather not name them), so the rule was:
If you see/date someone - that's an instant loss of $20 for the loser and an instant gain of $20 to the person who remains single.
Everyone, including myself, thought Vee would lose the bet - COME ON, she still had the right to freedom, going out, partying, meeting people and whatnot whereas i was grounded from January till June. Look at the odds ! Hahaha, Life was set. I was going to get $20 foh shizzle... almost everyone we knew doubted her chances of winning the bet - I was too conveniently grounded and that instantly put me at the winning end...
I ended up paying Vee $20 last week...
It's funny how things turn out... the second I'm relieved from this house I lose the bet LOL whereas Vee has in all likelihood left her house about 100 times this year. But it was worth it :)
I'm a happy girl haha.
mwa =]
How much beer can 20 bucks buy?
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