Since my first and foremost sacred entry was very nooby for a noob.....(lol)
I'm going to be generous and WRITE another blog which isn't so nooby cause i've done this once before ;) LMAOOO--- I got this.!
Well, about myself hrmm. i can put to you that I'm a Girl =D Yay-ersssss for girls! I'm still in school.. I love school so much (btw while i am typing this, i'm not at school...just shows you how much i love school =D).I'm unavailable for you silly boys.... but I'm always available for my girls ;) haha. Nahh, just playing I'm happy with one boy and many girls, two-four boys is too troublesome, ahh nutcases. I'm Vietnamese ! Yess... Vietnamese.. (azn pwide? LMAOOO yuck). Naww, I love my country -- i just like to tease 'em. OH YEAH! That's another thing about me. I love to muck around and tease everyone. OK! Next. I like my life.. it's very awesome! Just so that you know? I'm hardly depressed so i won't even think about writing that overexaggerated " i wanna kill myself" bullcrap -- Ngaww happy? Shit. I just thought about it T_______T. Well, literally but not purposely..
See? There's just too much about a person! ARFGHH..I'm just gonna write what I'm thinking rather than about myself and what i do and how i do...
Oh! Almost forgot. I love CCNF they're my babessss, I love my families, i love my friends, i love blue boysss they're such awesome fellas, i love FOOD OVERALL, i love dresses, i love jewellery, i love vintage, i love art,i love to cook, i love little kids.
In a nutshell, i LOVE EVERYTHING. So pretty much, I'm just optimistic :)
I'll blogroll you :)
hey darl!!
OOoOO sexy blog! must link you asap :).
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