Well, i bet you're thinking- Oh my gosh! Why isn't Margarita keeping this blog alive? It's tragic! It's already been a month of silence!
Well, if you were dramatic as the show DAYS OF OUR LIVES then you'd think that way :)
Haha, guess not. At this very second i'm sitting in a warm couch with the laptop plopped on my lap surrounded by Vietnamese music which usually contains lyrics about lonliness, cheaters and heartache. My brother loves this music, maybe these songs reflect the way he feels about girls. SHAME ON YOU ALL THEN, rah rah rah >=(
It certainly is making me feel depressed. ... BLEH ! Thank god for house music, it can always get me into a groovy mood and go totally bonkers with dancing (H).
*OH MY GOSH, my brother put that lonliness+sadness song on repeat*
Anyway, i'll talk about my day :). Today i had my maths test which i didnt really study for or finish the exercises on, but i got a really good mark =). It just proves how dumb i am for not studying for it in the first place, i could've done beter. But who cares, the Maths half yearlies are next week and, BRING IT! That's right, my half yearlies are next week -- WooOoo HoooOOoo. Which means the week after that is CAMP CAMP CAMP, and most likely certain smexy girls keeping me up all night. I love them. So yeah, My ancient history teacher also chatted to me today, apparently someone said something to him-- The idea of my wanting to leave school?-- He probably isn't the best person to give me advice on it as he's not really motivating me or helping me learn in class. Funny contradiction aye? My most passionate subject has the less-passionate teacher i've ever encountered. That's soooooooo cut ! I want to take up extension as well !
Ooo, and today in chemistry, Cathy, Thanh and I were busily talking about nails, buffing nails, shiny nails, dull nails and rubix cube boy. Lovely isn't it?
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