Photo caption: Aww, Jenny Dao i was attempting to create a love heart with you neatly framed within it ;( FAIL ! LOL
Listening to: "Joe - No one else comes close"
Mood: Utterly exultant :)
& Why?: Because everything is exceptionally sensational & I lurve it to itty bitty bits - I wouldn't change anything :)
Hello my darlings (Who am I kidding?! No one has the time to read these anymore – ngaw, Kristy, you’re a special exception)
For those who know me considerably well know that I say gay shit all the time and this will reinforce that notion: If you’re reading this right now I sincerely encourage you to comment on this blog. It shall give me an indication to whether or not I should bother keeping this site updated or even running. And to avoid any misapprehensions I shall rewrite that in more colloquial terms, “Can you just tell me if you read these rants cause I don’t like writing for no one!”
Okay let’s go through a quick run through of my HSC life via several, if not many, dot points:
v The TRIALS has kept me preoccupied with school. As they do.
v My ex will only talk to be when he’s drunk … LOL I find that hilarious
v I have one close friend which has not solved an issue for 6 years *frowns*
v My family is delightful.
v CCNF & other friends who sit in our “circle” – I am at this present moment cheerless about our last term together… It’s terribly heart-rending
v To all my friends that do not attend Fairvale High – I can’t wait to party at the end of this year ! We’ll be a boisterous bunch ! Party hard ! Ohh yeah baby.
Wow. My life only consists of 1…2..3.4…5…6.. Only 6 dot points! I suppose this suggest that I ought to “get out more” and boost the level of fulfilment in my life. I only have 6 aspects of it.. ..shit.. (make note: That 6 is going to multiply into a dazzling 36 --- yeah 6 times 6 biatch)
Besides the globe’s ubiquitous supply of cantankerous callous cretins I doubt there is anything that I abhor at the moment (that’s because I suck at premonitions) despite the on-going cruelty of the world and the bastards that circumvent life’s punishments and escape with robberies, murders and worst yet, deteriorate universal ethics (Hitler you’re an amoral dickhead how dare you instigate that horrendous holocaust – I wonder where your sepulchre resides…..you better had hope it’s concealed). Nonetheless I attempt to refrain my demeanour from being too emotionally involved.... ngaw, but there are times when indifference evaporates and I can’t help but whimper a little especially when so many innocent individuals are meeting their untimely end. We’ll miss you Michael Jackson ! <3 Oh YOU WERE THA MAN !! You deserve billions and billions of posthumous awards :) :) :)
On a more positive note, I do hope that I get into the UTS Bachelor of Midwifery course. Pregnant women, babies & the endless exposure to the miracle of life – Hell yeah! That’s how I roll (H)! Moreover, I’ll be paid good, no wait, awesome money for loving what I do – making sure all y’all babies turn out fine & dandy but most importantly touching your wives Ooooh! ;) (I’m kidding you homophobic idiots). “Life is Beautiful” – (FYI! That’s such a splendid movie. My thanks goes out to Lentini for if it wasn’t for his passionate and persistent harassment, I would not have given it a second glance - i love ya asshole! xD ). On a more negative note, I’m going to miss school :( & wearing a uniform – gone are the “Madeleine, I’m Madeleine” days where we had to line up in two straight lines & wore skirts everyday (for 6 fucking years-where winter marked the season of great suffering. Luckily for us girls it occurs once a year :] )
Okay, I think I should cease to continue with this post (I'll probably witness another dawn soon. Oh my gosh) – I had just randomly considered writing a paragraph showing my sympathy towards those penguins who I envisage to bravely endure life alongside killer whales, sea lions, a sea of squawking partners & chicks relentlessly demanding regurgitated shrimp (LOL! The guttural image is making me laugh- it’s almost endearing) and WHO live through “winter” all year. But I still think wearing a skirt all year is up there with a penguin’s life. They don’t have perverted little shits looking up their bums. Can you see all this nonsensical crap spewing out of my mouth? It elucidates of my "gay" disposition. I hope it isn’t irremediable. I’m getting bothered and I need to look at an epic variegated artwork, maybe a picture of Megan Fox shall suffice LOL – anything else that is remotely insipid will dampen my mood.

Photo caption: Vee & I imitating the epitome of "Asian" --which in actuality is an Italian... LOL
p.s. LOL if you found this a poignant post, but I love you all the same ;)
p.s.s. Kristy ! I like this word too: “Emancipation” & hopefully, you’ll love this word in time :) aye aye aye ! hahaha, Good luck Girl !
p.s.s. That was the longest rant of my life. I hope it never repeats again else I'd become such a naggy wife in the future.
p.s.s.s. I'm writing this at 3.30am ! :( Sleeping patterns are so screwed during HSC.
LOL your blog is cute...
and gay too... XD
but cute with all your pointless big words - what a thesaurus ghoy... :P
LOL it's pointless cause i was bored.
I was dead tired & couldn't sleep-
it was like 3.30am or nearly 4am
I don't know :(
My mind goes whack when I'm in that state.
I read your entries! So keep blogging woman! Love youuuuu
LOL,please don't hesitate to comment otherwise I'd feel like I'm contributing to something's that's ever-so lifeless
Hey lovely, I read your entries! I'm sorry for the 3 day delay, I didn't know you started blogging again!
*Frames Margarita's head with arms*
Love you! :)
P.S. I love Life Is Beautiful!
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