photo: My baby nephew Vincent. The favourite fatty bub of the family!
This afternoon i was standing on a busy street - in front of an asian grocery store - my inquisitive gaze was intensely directed at a box of Pawpaw fruit. I was wondering whether or not that big yellow one tasted the sweetest. Some car on the street starts honking. Curiously, i twisted my neck around to see where it was coming from - some nice ass black car was parked about 10 metres away from me. The honking kept going. I squinted at the tinted window - and all i saw was this black guy, maybe African.... This is freaky... is he honking at me?! HOLY SH*T !
My eyes quickly dart for the Pawpaw fruit again Maybe he'll stop honking.. i obviously don't know him... WRONGGGGGGGGGGG ! He's becoming impatient - I twirl around and stare at him. Same African dude. Danger? I'll just stay put right here looking at fruit. 10 seconds later I hear the honking again. What does this guy want with me?! I'm squiting again, trying to make out the face through that dark tinted window. He's smiling and waving ... Oh.. maybe i do know him? Cautiously i approached the car.. and my heart suddenly felt so light when i saw my cute little nephew Vincent in the back seat smiling eagerly at me.
Cousin: Hey !
Me: I swear i didn't know it was you .... thought you were some stranger... it must be your windows seriously...*distracted by Vincent* HELLO BABY ! Wanna give aunty a kiss? ;)
Cousin: What are you doing here?
Me: Buying stuff with Teresa. Oh she's come out now.
Teresa: Who's that? *wtf look*
Me: SEE I TOLD YOU ! She didn't even recognise you either. I thought you were an african dude.
Cousin: ....
Me: Ok see you bye ! *turns to vincent & tickles his belly* BYE BYE BABYYYY
My cousin in all likelihood must think that I'm an idiot :(.. sighh...
who cares, as long as i get to cuddle my cutie nephew then im happy !