LOL- No one reads this aye? If you do. Comment. It motivates me to write more ;)
Today I'm gonna discuss, "The Issue".
The Issue:
#1: Ive been single so long, i want to have a boyfriend
#2: Ive been dating so long, i want to be single.
The issue is: Majority of us girls are very indecisive :) And it's a bitch.
We're all like, " I'm single, but i wanna date a guy, but i don't wanna date,you know what i mean?"
Hell yeah, I know what it means - Every girl knows what it means! It's completely normal to feel that way :), I just feel sorry for the boy that's gonna be involved.
I was talking with someone this morning at 2am (haha,it's the guy's best interest is to stay anonymous). And he said a lot of things that i realised that were true:
The reason why some guys don't wanna get with a girl is cause she's too confused with her feelings. One day she'll be "yeah i like you!", and the next day she'll be like, " I mistaken it for something else, can we still be friends?". This annoys the shit outta guys, mostly because they can't do anything, esp. how us girls love to re-quote the guy thus degradinng his level of pride. I quote, " Its sucks cause we can't whinge, or we'll look weak".
Girls tend to think like this, "He'll do this and that for me cause i'm worth it, if he doesn't he's so not worth it".I agree on the bit where girls are worth it, but then again, would you do anything and everything for a guy? No. Unless you loved him or was utterly obsessed by him. If you won't do anything, you can't expect him to reciprocate. Girl pleaseee.. *rolls eyes*
And we all wonder why we're so "complicated". I reckon most of us like this:
Us girls all want to know there's someone waiting for us after a long day, because it's a nice feeling. Along with that, we want to have the freedom to do whatever we like including hang out with other guys cause there's no better substitute for ego-boosts.Flirting, It works wonders on the self-esteem.LOLL. We also want some boy to be jealous so we'll feel even more special and talk about amongst our friends.Oooo. Thus, we're a hot topic, so to speak.Ever wonder why we talk so much? We want to be called every night, but we want to call whenever we like. We want to be spoiled with gifts yet spoil others so little. So, we're pretty selfish ;) We want the boy who's waiting for us at home to understand our crazy antics + behaviours and not get jealous or start a fight. And when the boy leaves us, we get upset. We don't understand what went wrong, we were so happy. And now you hate him. He gives us reasons: Like, we flirt too much, we go out too much with other guys, we never call him much, you never give him anything, you don't let him go out with other girls, don't you appreciate his devotion to you.However, we still get mad at him cause we think we're worth it and he just doesnt blardy see it. "Ass-hole", is screamed.
There's a reason for that, it's "Do it to them, before they do it to you".Don't get me wrong, but you boys do it too =p.This is "The Issue", we try to incorporate the "single" and "dating" life into one. Sometimes it works out, if the guy is lenient, understanding and is willing to sacrifice his "mind" when you go out with a bunch of girls and guys or maybe he really trusts you. Ngawww sweeeeet. It means he thinks you're worth it ;) Oo la la.
Ohh, my darlings ladies. Dont you feel for the guys now? See how much shit we put them through? :(. Cry with me.... LOL, nah don't cry you pussy =P ..But if he treats you bad, then just put him through shit.
Hmmmm. Very interesting... I for some reason hate pussy whipped guys right now- they're so clingy, and we're only young. Might as well make the most out of the freedom we have right now. And I'm also hating serious relationships right now... LOL.
But in conclusion, I still think I'm too good for everyone... (A)
I love you Margarita. :D
Pussy-whipped guys. We all hate em. But like, at least we know they like us heaps :)
Just to get you're thoughts going a little more;
Some girls are indecisive because they want the guy to be the more decisive figure. Guys have become much more feminine compared to the USA ego-boosting male equivalents. Every girl wants a guy to show her his masculinity; it gives her a sense of security and the basic foundations of trust that this very guy will go out of his way to protect her.
And going out of his way touches on the "because i'm worth it" topic. Sometimes, i think its a matter of giving and taking. Girls tend to want to take more before they give. So when guys give a little, the girls will give a little too, sooner or later.
Anyway, that's just a little bit of my thoughts. It might even explain why Rowena used the term 'pussy-whipped', but yeah, have a think about it! :)
<3 chrissy.
LOL. Youre so right. Girls always take more than we give :S
About the decisive topic: Girls are generally more mature than guys :0and wanting a guy at our OWN age to be more decisive than us is a lot to ask i reckon :S
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