Have you ever wanted something so much that you'll do anything for it? Even break the morals that you live by? If you have, you're so brave. You truly are, hahaha, I don't have the guts yet. I think if i do get what i want, i'll be happy about it, but then the people who i'm close to probably won't be happy like me and disapprove it and everything.... In my case, the thing i would love to blame the most is "bad-timing".
Whatever i wanted happened ages ago, and i thought i had gotten over it, and it's been a long time. But still, I know i'm lying to myself cause i feel the same way, it's still strong today like it was ages ago. But maybe the saying " You always want what you can't have" applies to my situation and it'll probably go from downhill if i got it. Blehhh -- seriously, HSC is coming up and i can't be like this :) So in a nutshell:
1. If i get what i want, i'll be happy and then unhappy because i know ive done the wrong thing morally
2. If i dont get what i want, i'll be a bit down but everyone's still happy.
2nd option sounds better doesn't it? Because it's the safe option. Ahhh i can't talk about this anymore.
Hey! Don't fall into societies expectations little girl *stares*
As cliche as this sounds, you only live once! Why live it trying to fulfill others? Be the risk taker you want to be!
Look at it this way; if 'everyones' going to be unhappy about this issue, what makes this issue more 'okay' and 'acceptable' later on in life? (you're "bad-timing" comment; if the timing isn't okay now, why will it be later?)
Things happen for a reason, so go with the flow and don't feel the need to be the person everyone expects you to be.
PS: heaps happy you're blogging again!
<3 chrissy.
Hahaha! I really think Rosemary Dobson and Emma got to us! Mmm, ive become a risk-taker this week Chrissy. And gues what IT FEELS GREAT-- So totally living by "You only live once".
P.s. Keep commenting me chrissy ;)
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