Woohooo! This calls for a celebration! Ive done what i wanted and im not sad or regretting it. Thankyou my dearest buddies for the support you've given me; LOL, i know i know it's been a rough year =P
So yeah, Atm. Probably a few people are mad and disappointed, but who cares, it's my decision and they'll get over it! You can't hold a grudge for that long hahaha. So i did what i wanted, and i'm happy about it, I don't even care about the outcomes that much because i got whatever i had on my chest out. I'm not talking about my boobs either T___T". Wait... well i do care, but it wouldnt affect me so much i guess. I've finally become a brave girl =)
Seriously, doing what you want is the best feeling ever. I quote from beloved Chrissy, "You only live once". So why wouldnt you live it the way you want? :) I guess ive made a lot of sacrifices and rid myself of some baggage over the past week, but hey! It's all going towards my happiness, everlasting... with no- strings attached to anything! Wooo-- Im so happy :)
im glad ur happy maargarita :)
I love you cathy vu :D
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